Wednesday, December 30, 2009
What I Want for Us...
Friday, December 18, 2009
To My Queens
- Read
Beautiful Flower Lyrics
Monday, November 30, 2009
More on Baggage...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Pack light
Monday, November 2, 2009
Life: A Puzzle
You Are Everything...and Everything is You. *side eye*
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A Lesson I Learned from Brown Sugar
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Your Revolution Will Not Be Televised
- Read
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised Lyrics
- Read
Your Revolution Lyrics
Friday, August 14, 2009
Speak Positivity
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Talk to HER
Peace Everyone!
Monday, August 3, 2009
BIG CHOP's Big Feature
Friday, July 17, 2009
Live your LIFE!!! (*whispers* "ay ay ay ay ay ay")
Peace Queens,
Simply stated: You only get ONE. Live it to the fullest. Be your absolute best, at all times. Make wise decisions. Be the best YOU possible.
Do you realize you/me/we will never again see another June 1, 2009. There will never be another February 14, 1999, or March 29, 1989, never a “yesterday”...or even 5 minutes ago. Those days have come…. and gone. NEVVVVER to return again. We have GOT to make the most of our lives in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. After reading The Art of Happiness a few years ago, I contend that the purpose of life: find happiness. PERIOD. No matter what that means to you individually, find it, do it, BE it. Bottom line.
We can’t waste time in a job/career we detest, in a relationship with someone who “just AIN’T IT”, around “friends” who don’t have our best interest at heart, following in parent’s footsteps when we REALLY don’t want to. Basically making decisions that hurt more then help. It’s all wasting TIME! Taking away TIME that you don’t have to waste. Again, you only have ONE LIFE. You have to make the most of it-whatever that may mean in your world.
As women, we are naturally nurturing/giving. Beware not to give SO much of yourself, that you lose sight of who you are, what you want, and your happiness.
Peace Family,
PostQuote: Time can be your best friend or your worst enemy. It’s all about how you use/utilize it. -Me
Try to eliminate this word from your lexicon. I petition for an end of its usage. It’s such an ungrateful word.
I personally think that “regret” is a metaphoric “spit in the face” to whoever’s in control (God, Allah, Krishna, Creator, Universe, etc) of your life. You went through every single thing in your life ON/IN PURPOSE. From low self-esteem, promiscuity, family deaths, and that secret abortion to prom night, bible study, soccer practice and slumber parties (all are random to enforce a point). You most likely won’t know the purpose of it WHILE you go through it, but the reason will reveal itself in due time (if really want to know).
Sometimes it’s hard to “see the forest beyond the trees.” That is understandable. But regret?! It’s a meaningless pity-party. You should be grateful that you’re going through these things because it ultimately means GROWTH in the end. You are supposed to learn a lesson from everything you go through. If not, my guess, is you’ll keep experiencing similar situations until you understand the lesson beneath it all. Hindsight is always 20/20 when you are ready to receive that lesson.
I want the best for everyone reading this and wallowing in past “mistakes” is not an option. Love everything that you’ve experienced- the good the bad and the unspeakably ugly. It was a gift. Be thankful
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Randomness: "Love/Money; Love/Lust; Sex/Initimacy"
Randomness: "Settling Down"
I don't like the phrase settling down. 'Yeah man, when I'm ready to settle down, I'll...', 'yeah, I'm about ready to settle down'
Settle ...down
Settle ...down
Settle as in to accept the conditons/options left with/remaining
Down as in lower, less, beneath, under, less than
So is this to say you accept the lower conditions u are left with? Are you just taking what's left in the barrel for keeps because that's your last resort?
I for one will no longer use the phrase for it has extremely negative connotations. Making a commitment to someone shouldn't be expressed as 'settling down.' It should be celebrated in a way to show this person's love/ commitment for another person....that he/she is mature enough to make this conscious, informed definitive decision in choosing a mate.
This phrase is a subconscious manipulation of the unity b/w man and woman. It's a complimentary unity and is supposed to be a purposeful decision, not 'picking at left-overs' of your life. I just think we should be more mindful of the diction we choose to use. Words have SO much more power for which we give them credit.
That is all
Sunday, June 14, 2009
To My Brothas, My (Hue)Men, My Kings
As "Father's Day" approaches, I am compelled to dedicate an entry to our brothers- single, married, or anywhere in betwixt the two. As long as you're soundly productive, I have nothing but love and respect for you. I'd like to applaud all the brothers out there who are "doing right," making moves, aspiring, growing, building foundations, keeping their word, holding things down, being a provider...and ALL the wonderful things YOU DO so well.
I am a HUGE fan of black men. There is nothing on this PLANET like them. They come in all different shapes, sizes and flavors. Their "swagga" is unmatched. They are extremely resourceful, go-getters, street smart, creative, huslter-minded (not always a bad thing). They "keep it 100." Once they let you in, you're IN. They work hard, play hard and most of all love hard. There is absolutely nothing like a black man in love. It's amazing to feel/see the mountains he would climb and the oceans he would swim for YOU.
..::in the painting above, he's portrayed giving you the world::..
Note to my sistas:
Sistas, if you have a good one on your hands, I say, grab on and hold tight. Not only that, let him know YOU KNOW you have a good man on your hands. Show and SPEAK your appreciation for who he is and what he does for you. There are SOO many hardships that come with being a black man in America- in day to day life and over time. We would NEVER know because we are not black men. These things occur in the physical and psychologically. Try to keep this in mind the next time you want to "nag" about something insignificant. Adding annoyances: never good. SIDEBAR:I think that women of this day and age have become self-righteous; specifically, the ones who say/said they don't need a man for anything. Being independent is definitely a strength but knowing when and how to let down your guard/pride down to yield to a (worthy) man is more powerful. It speaks volumes. There is no yin without yang. Know that.
If you happen to be lucky enough as to share a child with a black man please do EVERYthing in your power to keep that unit in tact, for the sake of the child you brought into the world. There is NOTHING like (healthy) black love and NOTHING like a (healthy) black family.